Dear friends,

December 20 is the fourth and final Sunday of Advent.  This liturgical season of waiting is almost over.  Christmas will be here in just a few days.  Come, thou long expected Jesus, indeed!  Our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry reminds us in his Christmas message this year that we Christians are called to proclaim joy to the world, even in these troubled times.  Jesus did not come into the world to fix all of the problems we create and suffer through; Jesus came to dwell among us in the midst of our suffering and to save us in spite of ourselves.  That is the source of our joy and the world’s joy.  Thanks be to God!

We celebrate the Incarnation—God’s gift to us of Jesus as a human baby—through prayer and Eucharist and song.  From Christmas Eve through Christmas morning, we are offering four opportunities for you and your family to worship with fellow St. Andrew’s parishioners as we thank God for the gift of Jesus.  I very much hope that you will join us for one, or some, or even all of those services!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Worship Opportunities

Virtual Christmas Eve Children’s Service:  4:30 PM on December 24

Lovingly crafted for families with children, this short service will include sing-along carols led by Brad Norris; the Christmas story as told by parish families; a brief, child-friendly homily; Holy Eucharist; and candle-lighting.

Outdoor Candle-Lighting Liturgy:  6 PM on December 24

Gather with us on the Main Street sidewalk for a short litany as we pray together, spread the light of Christ from person to person, and receive a Christmas blessing.

Virtual Festive Holy Eucharist:  7:30 PM on December 24

This is our traditional Christmas Eve “late” service, complete with all of the beloved Scripture lessons and filled with special music.

Virtual Christmas Day Service:  10:30 AM on December 25

This will be a meditative and quiet service of Morning Prayer. 

May you, and our suffering world, be blessed anew with the true joy:  recognizing and receiving the gift of Jesus.  I look forward to celebrating the Incarnation with you.




Outdoor Candle-Lighting Liturgy:  6 PM on December 24

All are welcome to attend this service outside the River Road entrance to the church; however, it is limited to 25 people due to current COVID restrictions.  Dress warmly and remember that masks are required.   Please call Bill Wilds (880-5460) to register to attend.