A Letter of Thanks

 Dear Parishioners at St. Andrew’s Church,

This year, despite the pandemic, we were fortunate to provide Christmas gifts to 51 families and 40 homeless guests at our backdoor for a total of 278 people.  We had to do things differently this year to ensure safety, but it allowed more of an opportunity to individualize gifts to meet the family’s needs.  Each family received clothes, toys, toiletries, new coats, hats, scarves and gloves or mittens.  Each homeless guest received a sleeping bag if needed, clothes, a new coat, hats, gloves, and a bag of toiletries.

Thank you for your amazing contribution of gloves, mittens, and scarves.  They will help keep so many warm this winter.  We had some left over which will be given out over this cold winter.  We appreciate your willingness to adjust to the new event conditions and we hope and pray that next year will be back to normal.

Praying you all will be safe and have a blessed and healthy new year.

In gratitude,

Ellen Williams, Downtown Christmas Coordinator
St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church