Politics & Religion

Dear friends,

  We’re probably all familiar with the adage that in polite company, it’s best to avoid bringing up politics or religion. It’s not uncommon to hear folks say that the church is no place for politics. I completely concur Read more
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Rector & Parish Sabbatical

 Dear members of St Andrew’s,

It will soon be that time again. Time for our rector and our parish to go on sabbatical. Sabbaticals sustain healthy ministers and healthy parishes. It is important to view this time as renewal Read more
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Update on masking in church

 Dear friends,

Beginning Sunday, March 6, masks will no longer be required inside our buildings—but they will still be recommended.  

As you probably know, the CDC issued new Covid guidance last week, listing our area as a Read more

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Outreach opportunities!

 Asset-Based Community Development discussion on March 8

All are invited to join us on Tuesday, March 8, 6:30 to 8 PM to learn about Asset-Based Community Development. Jim Moynihan (www.weareonechurch.com), whose calling is ministry to and with Read more
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Speaking up on behalf of the oppressed

 Dear friends,

In both the Old and the New Testament, believers are called upon to speak up for those who are oppressed. Proverbs 31:8-9 says, Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute. Speak out, judge Read more
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A Lenten Invitation

Just like Advent isn’t really a season in its own right, but rather a period of preparation for the celebration of the Incarnation, Lent is at its core a period of personal and communal self-examination intended to prepare us Read more

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Regathering for Worship this Sunday

 Dear friends,

After consultation with Marc, the wardens, and Health and Safety Officer Joel Duregger; and with input from a medical professional at Riverside Hospital, I decided to petition the diocese to allow us to regather for worship and Read more
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When can we regather for in-person worship?

 Dear friends,

I know that this question is very much on everyone’s mind. We are so tired of the pandemic and of all the ways that it is affecting our lives, especially in terms of limiting our ability to be Read more
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Worship moves to online only

Bishop Haynes, in consultation with the Diocesan Health Advisory Panel, has notified all churches in the Diocese of Southern Virginia that effective immediately, public worship is suspended. (Click here to read the Bishop’s message.)

  • There will be no Wednesday service Read more
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COVID Reflections

Dear friends,

Blessings to each of you as 2022 begins!  I pray that you feel God’s presence with you in this and every moment, and I continue to pray for God’s help and guidance as we navigate the pandemic.

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