Fourth of July, cont’d

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people to establish its liberty from tyranny, it becomes necessary for that people to declare the causes which impel them to take such initiative. For us, that meant Read more

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It Feels Like Easter

In thinking about what we have collectively been through, I looked at the texts of Easter hymns, because opening things up again has the feeling of resurrection.

From Hymn 175, “Hail thee, festival day!”: 6 – Jesus the health Read more
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Reclaiming the Meanings

Evangelism. There, I said it! While I’m at it, how about…revival? Yeah, yeah, I know: I’m from Kentucky, so I’ve experienced everything from growing up in the Episcopal Church to attending Mass with my Roman Catholic maternal grandmother to tent revivals at Read more

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Loosening our Covid Restrictions

Dear friends,

Exciting news!  In response to the recently revised guidelines from the CDC and Governor Northam, Bishop Susan has released parish churches from the diocesan-wide pandemic restrictions.  She has asked the leadership of each church to make protocol Read more

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Pentecost blessings to you!

Dear friends,

Pentecost blessings to you!  What a joy it is finally, finally to be able to gather together again; to see each other’s eyes; to join our voices together in prayer and praise.  Everything is not exactly the Read more

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Youth Sunday sermon by Rachel Klinger

 Good morning everyone.

You may have noticed that I’m not Mark.

We do both have glasses, but that’s pretty much where our similarities stop. I’m here today because it is Youth Sunday, and Anne and Mark have faith in Read more

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Strive for Justice

Maybe you’ve been keeping up with St. Andrew’s Racism Response Team (RRT). A great deal of work has been done with that group (along with other such endeavors), having completed a weeks-long formation program called Sacred Ground to now formulating Read more

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Eighteen years ago I was sitting in church (Hilton Baptist) one Sunday morning when Al leaned over and pointed out an announcement in the bulletin: St. Andrew’s Job Opening – Administrative Assistant. It may sound like an exaggeration but it Read more

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Thanks to our PORT volunteers

Congratulations to our volunteers for two successful PORT evenings in December and March! We fielded two teams for the shelter’s final evening of the season, assisting Temple Baptist Church and New Beech Grove Baptist Church in providing dinners, desserts, sleeping Read more

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Resurrection Is a Current Event

The feast of our Lord’s resurrection is upon us (on April 4).  In our Eucharistic Prayer A, which we tend to use through the bulk of the church year, we proclaim the mystery of faith: Christ has died, Christ Read more

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