Flexibility and Virtual Christmas Services

As we approach our regathering, let’s be like Gumby:  Flexible!

Dear friends,

The Covid-19 pandemic has created havoc in our lives in many different ways.  The world over, people have had to modify all kinds of plans and adapt Read more

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How Are You Doing?

I wonder how everyone is doing – I mean how are you reallydoing?  We’ve had several months of trying to figure out how to live and function in circumstances we haven’t, in our lifetimes, had to deal with Read more

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A Few Thoughts on Stewardship

I have been a parishioner at St. Andrew’s for two and a half years, but I have been an occasional visitor for at least 25. I used to visit when I came to Virginia in the summers to see Read more

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Regathering on November 29, 2020

Dear friends,

Our vestry has been grappling for months with the tough decision about when to regather in person for worship. As you know, the issue is hard and complicated. Leaders in different arenas have come up with wildly different decisions Read more
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A Few Thoughts on Stewardship

Some call it Fate, others call it luck, but I prefer to think that the Lord above led me in 1992 to my incredible wife Judy and that Judy led me to St. Andrew’s.  In the bargain I gained Read more

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Update on re-gathering: Communion every week; new live stream capability

Dear friends,

As you know, the vestry is still in deep and prayerful discernment about a regathering date for in-person worship.  Meanwhile, Marc and I and the staff and many lay leaders are working hard behind the scenes to Read more

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A Few thoughts on Stewardship

Saint Andrew’s has been an important part of my life for many years. It provides a place of comfort, warmth and generosity in the midst of this busy world. I like being in the company of people who look Read more

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A Few thoughts on Stewardship

I have been asked to address the personal side of stewardship, and what St Andrew’s means to me. To begin, I think of stewardship as a discipline of giving that affects our spiritual lives just as it applies to Read more

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Music During the Pandemic

During this strange time that, without exception, affects everyone, I have tried to choose music that fits the mood of the times.  Sometimes we need comforting, and a lot of it.  Familiar hymns known to most of the congregation Read more

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There is a saying that makes the rounds on Facebook here and there, attributed to the Dalai Lama or with no attribution at all.  Regardless, it rings true: “The issue we have to deal with today is that people Read more

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