From Glory to Ashes to Glory

From hymn 135:

Manifest on mountain height, shining in resplendent light,
Where disciples filled with awe thy transfigured glory saw.
When from there thou leddest them steadfast to Jerusalem,
Cross and Easter Day attest God in man made manifest.

The church year builds in big contrasts in tone from now through Easter.  This Sunday is the Transfiguration, where Jesus is revealed in dazzling glory to Peter, James, and John.  Three days later we are confronted with ashes, a reminder of our mortal nature, from which no one is exempted.  Then a period of self-reflection, culminating with death and resurrection and a blessed hope for all.

The world is experiencing a year or more of stark contrasts:  life going along seemingly swimmingly, the big shock of everything shutting down, a winter of increased sadness and death, and then – a resurrection of sorts, thanks to scientists and the medical community using their God-given brains to get us out of this mess.

May we graft onto our current situation some of the truths we have learned in church.   “By those who truly listen, his voice is truly heard” (hymn 74).

Brad Norris
Minister of Music