Loosening our Covid Restrictions

Dear friends,

Exciting news!  In response to the recently revised guidelines from the CDC and Governor Northam, Bishop Susan has released parish churches from the diocesan-wide pandemic restrictions.  She has asked the leadership of each church to make protocol decisions, informed by civic guidelines, our own context, and suggested guidance from our diocesan Health Advisory Panel (available here).  Bearing all of that in mind, the wardens and I met last night to update our St. Andrew’s Covid protocols.

As we move forward together, I ask for your patience and compassion for those of us in leadership and also for one another. The pandemic has been traumatic for everyone, as Bishop Susan pointed out when she visited St. Andrew’s.  Some folks who are fully vaccinated may choose to continue mask-wearing and social distancing.  Some folks have serious health issues that make vaccination a bad idea.  The protocols below are intended to honor each parishioner and to make gracious space for each person’s needs.

Effective immediately:

  1. Worship & Other Church Events: Fully vaccinated people (two weeks out from their final shot) do not need to wear masks or practice social distancing at worship or any church event.  Reservations are no longer required for worship.  ***We will continue to provide socially distanced seating at worship for anyone who requests it.  To make this possible, if you would like socially distanced seating set aside for you, you must call the parish office by noon on Friday, and let us know the number of people in your “unit” (members of the same household who will sit together).  The Friday deadline gives us time to inform the ushers and to reserve the socially distanced pews.  If there is no request for socially distanced seating by noon on Friday, none will be provided at Sunday’s service.***
  2. Singing: All fully vaccinated people may sing without wearing a mask, indoors or outdoors.  Those not yet fully vaccinated should remain masked while singing.
  3. Christian Formation: Masks and social distancing are no longer required at adult Christian Formation events.  (Group leaders should be mindful that some participants may want or need to continue social distancing.)

Other changes will be forthcoming.  The wardens, vestry and I need a little more time to sort out protocol updates about coffee hour, fellowship events, the nursery, etc.  I wanted to get the basic information about worship and formation out to you as soon as possible so that you can participate fully in those events, beginning this evening with contemplative prayer and WOW.

A reminder that our live-streaming of services is here to stay, so our homebound and distant members will continue to be able to join us on Sundays.

My heart is full as I write this.  I am so grateful for your compassion, hospitality, and graciousness—to me, to one another, and to those beyond our doors.  With God’s help, I pray that we will continue to offer and receive those blessings as we navigate these next steps together. 

Faithfully, Anne