
There is a saying that makes the rounds on Facebook here and there, attributed to the Dalai Lama or with no attribution at all.  Regardless, it rings true: “The issue we have to deal with today is that people were made to be loved and things were made to be used, but now things are loved and people are being used.”  It is reminiscent of what Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has often said: “If it’s not about love, it’s not about God!”

Every aspect of our lives having been thrown into chaos, with much normal activity curtailed and priorities shifting seemingly sometimes by the hour, it can make it difficult to keep perspective on what our activity and priorities are supposed to be about in the first place.  Too often the gospel is used for political or personal gain rather than for its inherent purpose: the proclamation of the good news of God in Christ Jesus; the love of God and neighbor as self.

Life sure has its moments!  Regardless of what swirls around us, I hope the simplicity of the gospel message grounds us in love, because if it is not about that, it is not about God!
