Music During the Pandemic

During this strange time that, without exception, affects everyone, I have tried to choose music that fits the mood of the times.  Sometimes we need comforting, and a lot of it.  Familiar hymns known to most of the congregation help with that.  Sometimes we need music for quiet reflection; music from the Taize community and spirituals can be the right thing.  Sometimes we need a musical commentary on serious issues of justice in our country; there is plenty in the Hymnal and choral literature to amplify Biblical admonitions.

It’s better, of course, to have the live experience.  Someday, that will come.  I long to hear congregational song and our church choir.  After all, when we sing, we “pray twice” – and it releases endorphins!

I’m grateful to the small groups that have provided music the past 6 months and look forward to once again including EVERYONE.

Brad Norris, Minister of Music