Building God's Kingdom through Worship, Outreach, and Fellowship


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What's New

PORT at St. Andrew's
St. Andrew’s will provide overflow accommodations for the PORT winter shelter from January 15 to February 11. PORT provides overnight shelter for people experiencing homelessness. Guests will arrive around 7 PM each evening and will leave around 6 AM the next morning. To learn more about PORT and St. Andrew’s participation, contact Teresa Duncan, the vestry’s outreach liaison, or 804-712-2010.  

Staff care and change in office hours
Dear friends,
   As I mentioned during my 2024 State of the Parish address, one of my ongoing goals is to care well for our incredibly hard-working church staff.  If you are at church during the workweek, you have undoubtedly had occasion to interact with our staff, especially if you have come in seeking answers to questions or some other kind of face-to-face help.  I am grateful every day for the gracious care and attention that our staff members offer to all who come through our doors.  I am also aware that behind the scenes, every member of our staff is diligently carrying out numerous time-consuming tasks that don’t necessarily get noticed but are crucial to the life and ministry of St. Andrew’s. 
   Because of the wonders of modern technology, we who live in the 21st century have become accustomed to having our needs met and our questions answered around the clock.  We send and receive emails and texts at all hours of the day and night and often receive an immediate response.  At times we have trouble setting and maintaining boundaries because we have become so accustomed to the constant availability of those whose help we seek.  Meanwhile, computer software and hardware have become more and more complex, with new systems quickly becoming outdated, requiring ever more employee time for learning new systems.
   You may be experiencing these things in your own life.  Among our staff, I have been seeing an uptick in stress and a steady increase in hours worked, above and beyond job requirements.  My job as rector is to be a good steward of our precious employees. To that end, I have decided to institute a change to our office hours.
   Beginning on February 1, the office will be open from 9 AM to noon on Mondays and Tuesdays; and from 9 AM to 3 PM on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Our staff will continue to work their usual number of hours, combining public-facing service while the office is open with crucial behind-the-scenes work during the rest of their working hours.
   Please join me in praying for our wonderful parish staff and in thanking them for their excellent work.  The staff and I look forward to greeting you during office hours and to working on your behalf even when the office is closed. 
   Blessings.  -  Anne

Mark your calendar!
Feb. 5 - Mid-week Holy Eucharist & Healing Service
Feb. 8  - Diocesan Annual Council in Williamsburg
Mar. 2  - Marathon Sunday, one service at 4 PM
Mar. 5  - Ash Wednesday, services at 7:30 AM, 11 AM, 7 PM
Mar. 6  - Service at The Chesapeake, 2 PM
Mar. 9  - Congregational Meeting with continental breakfast, 9:15 AM
Mar. 12 - Weekly Lenten Service at 11 AM begins
Mar. 12 - Weekly Lenten Program & Dinner at 5:30 PM begins—more info coming soon!