Pentecost blessings to you!

Dear friends,

Pentecost blessings to you!  What a joy it is finally, finally to be able to gather together again; to see each other’s eyes; to join our voices together in prayer and praise.  Everything is not exactly the same as it was before the pandemic, of course, but the terrible isolation is coming to an end—thanks be to God!!—and the Holy Spirit whose presence we celebrate on Pentecost Sunday has never ceased being active in our midst. 

As we emerge from the pandemic into this new season of our lives, I pray that we will be attentive to the movement of the Holy Spirit, who may well be leading us in fresh and different directions.  It’s not possible to return to the exact same lives we were leading prior to Covid-19.  We are different; the world is different; the needs around us are different; and as a result, undoubtedly, God’s call to us is different.  I am praying for me and for you and for us as a community of faith that we will listen closely in these days for the sound of the Spirit—God’s very breath—and then flow, with grace, where the Spirit leads.

