Rector & Parish Sabbatical

 Dear members of St Andrew’s,

It will soon be that time again. Time for our rector and our parish to go on sabbatical. Sabbaticals sustain healthy ministers and healthy parishes. It is important to view this time as renewal for Anne as well as our congregation. We will hope to gain new insights, new energy for ministry, and renewed vision for our future together.

Anne’s sabbatical dates are from Sept 2023 through November 2023. We are applying for a grant from the Lilly Foundation that will cover the cost of Anne’s sabbatical and offer funds for parish use. The Lilly Foundation requires that this be a joint endeavor involving the rector and parish, and for that reason we will need your help in determining what renewal could look like for St. Andrew’s.

As we think about this, it is important for us to recognize the difference between a sabbatical and a vacation. Even though both a vacation and a sabbatical allow for a time of rest away from routine responsibilities, a sabbatical serves to help us all reconnect with our inner spiritual resources.

Anne’s plan is to take a series of pilgrimages. She intends to walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain, and travel the Civil Rights Trail in the Southern US. This sabbatical also includes time for retreat, rest, and visits with mentors. The gentle rhythm of this pilgrimage will give Anne the opportunity to find a full sense of renewal.

Meanwhile, we at St. Andrew’s will also be participating in activities to provide us with renewal for the next season of our ministry together as rector and congregation. In line with Anne’s emphasis on pilgrimage and retreat, we are contemplating a special focus on labyrinths as part of our spiritual pilgrimage; and a parish retreat weekend with opportunities for rest, reflection, and the deepening of relationships.

It is important to note that the vestry fully supports our application for the Lilly Foundation grant and the sabbatical is part of the agreement under which Anne was called. The success of earning the Lilly Foundation grant is dependent on the support and full engagement of the congregation. So we are requesting your response by April 11 to these two sets of questions:

Renewal for St. Andrew’s:
  1. What renewal activities/opportunities could St. Andrew’s provide during Anne’s sabbatical that would be helpful to you, personally? To our parish as a whole?
  2. Would engaging more deeply with the labyrinth and the theme of pilgrimage be helpful tools for renewal? Why or why not?
  3. How do you feel about a parish retreat?

Support for the renewal experience for Anne and for St. Andrew’s:
  1. What comments do you have about the need and potential benefits of this renewal time for Anne?
  2. For the parish?

To share your responses, you may email our senior warden, Dawn Edquist, at, or call the church office at 595-0371 and leave a message with Ann Turner, our Parish administrator.

Thank you, and we hope to hear from you soon,

The Sabbatical Advisory Team
(Dawn Edquist, Ann Lee, David Lilley)