Building God's Kingdom through Worship, Outreach, and Fellowship


The Seventh Sunday After Epiphany - February 23, 2025

Sunday services are at 8:00 and 10:30 AM. The service at 10:30 AM will be live-streamed on our Facebook page. You don't need a Facebook account to watch!) Video of Sunday's worship is available on our Facebook page after the live broadcast so you can worship anytime.

Click here for this Sunday's service bulletin.


St. Andrew's nursery is open Sunday mornings from 9 a.m. to noon. It is staffed by trained professionals who have completed Safe Church training and a background check. 


Children aged 4 through 5th grade are invited to Children's Chapel! Children's Chapel meets every Sunday during the school year during the 10:30 worship service. Meet the teachers on the Ferguson Ave. playground at 10:15. After some recreation time, the children go inside and are separated into older and younger age groups for a lesson based on that Sunday's lectionary. Children return to parents in worship in time for Communion. All our Children's Chapel volunteers are Safe Church trained and background checked.


Sunday, February 23
8:00 AM—Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:00 AM—Nursery opens (Youth House)
9:15 AM—Adult Forum (Parish Hall)
10:15 AM—Children’s Chapel (Youth  House)
10:30 AM—Holy Eucharist Rite II
12:00 PM—Outreach Committee (Parish Library)
4:30 PM—Chair Yoga (Parish Hall)
Tuesday, February 25
1:00 PM—Crafters Group (Parish Library)
Wednesday, February 26
6:15 PM—Choir rehearsal
Thursday, February 27
7:30 AM—Centering Prayer (Parish Library)
10:00 AM—Bible Study (Parish Library)
1:00 PM—Games in the Senior Lounge
Sunday, March 2—Marathon Sunday
4:00 PM—Holy Eucharist Rite II

SERVICE PARTICIPANTS - February 23, 2025

8:00 AM Service
Lector: Lori Branning
Chalicer: Ann Turner
Acolyte: Ashley  Wise
Greeter: Rossie Hampton
Ushers: Terry Wolak, Bill Bradley
Sound: Anne Fowler

10:30 AM Service
Lector: James Wilcox
Prayers: Judy Carey
Chalicers:  Al Roby, James Wilcox
Acolytes: Lindsey Nicolai, Madeline Hastings, Rachel Edquist, Ralph Maxwell, Gwyneth Hinson, Abigail Hastings, Christopher Hein, Olivia Goodwin
Ushers: Rick Donaldson, Chris Robinson, Bob Wharton
Greeter: Susan and Ron Nixon
Sound: Doug Burgoyne
Camera: Channing Guvernator
February Altar Guild: Diana Skelton, Dawn Edquist, Elizabeth Mayo, Danny Switzer, Bernard Young, Debbie Young
February Flower Guild: Karen Waddill, Sara Streker, Debbie Young