There are two services on Sundays - 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM. The 10:30 service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page. You don't need a Facebook account to watch!) Video of Sunday's worship is available on our Facebook page after the live broadcast so you can worship anytime.
Preparing for Sunday, March 30—The Fourth Sunday in Lent Readings: Joshua 5:9-12; Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32. Click here to read the lessons. Questions for reflection: In what ways am I like the Prodigal Son? In what ways am I like the elder son?
St. Andrew's nursery is open Sunday mornings from 9 a.m. to noon. It is staffed by trained professionals who have completed Safe Church training and a background check.
Children aged 4 through 5th grade are invited to Children's Chapel! Children's Chapel meets every Sunday during the school year during the 10:30 worship service. Meet the teachers on the Ferguson Ave. playground at 10:15. After some recreation time, the children go inside and are separated into older and younger age groups for a lesson based on that Sunday's lectionary. Children return to parents in worship in time for Communion. All our Children's Chapel volunteers are Safe Church trained and background checked.
8:00 AM Service Lector: Anne FowlerChalicer: Betsy WolakAcolyte: Connor WiseUshers: Conway Sheild, Terry WolakGreeter: Ellen and Mike AncelSound: Ann Turner
10:30 AM Service Lector: Al RobyPrayers: Teresa DuncanChalicers: Al Roby, Teresa DuncanAcolytes: Becky Fulcher, Olivia Goodwin, Brianna Clifford, Oscar Clifford, Madeline Hastings, Rachel Edquist, Abigail HastingsUshers: Graham Ferguson, Walter Deal, Greg EdwardsGreeter: Merrill and Ted HemmertSound: Cris OmanCamera: Channing Guvernator
March Altar Guild: Bill Wilds, Al Roby, Megan Hinson, Louise Ragland, Sarah Clifford
March Flower Guild: Contact Bobo Smith