Update on the use of our building

Our Building Discernment Team has been hard at work for weeks following up on the many suggestions made about how best to use our school facilities to serve the community.  We look forward to receiving their recommendation(s) sometime this summer.  In the meantime, however, the school spaces have not been standing empty! 
A Hilton playgroup meets in our building every Tuesday and Wednesday morning, providing games and art and learning for our youngest neighbors.  Brad leads songs for the children with his guitar, and Lorna visits regularly to get to know the children and the parents. 
Our Ferguson Street playground for small children is getting lots of use every day. Wardens John Whitley and Chris Robinson recently power-washed all of the equipment.  Many of our neighbors have posted words of thanks on Facebook for the use of the playground.
From May 7 through 24, students from the Warwick High School International Baccalaureate Program will be using some of our classrooms as quiet space for taking exams.  Longstanding building users such as the bagpipe instructor who provides lessons on Saturday mornings in the music room and the German American group that gathers in our parish hall continue to meet on a regular basis, as well. 
We look forward to what God’s future holds for our building, and in the meantime we give thanks for those from our community who are enjoying our space and resources.