When can we regather for in-person worship?

 Dear friends,

I know that this question is very much on everyone’s mind. We are so tired of the pandemic and of all the ways that it is affecting our lives, especially in terms of limiting our ability to be together in person for worship. I don’t have a specific answer to the question of when we can regather, but I can share with you one of the major considerations affecting the decision. 
We know that those of us who are vaccinated and boosted are still capable of getting and spreading Covid, and that the recent upsurge of the virus is taxing the health care system. A recent communication from our Diocesan Health Advisory Panel asked church leaders to monitor the capacity of local healthcare facilities to receive and treat patients. As of January 26, Riverside hospital has 7 times as many hospitalized Covid patients as it had a month ago, the emergency department is packed, and there is a severe blood shortage that is adversely impacting the hospital’s ability to provide patients with the usual level of treatment. 
In short, our local healthcare facility is struggling right now, and one way we can help the situation is to refrain from putting ourselves into situations that might further spread Covid. The good news—and there is good news—is that the numbers are actually getting better; Riverside has 40 fewer Covid patients right now than it did at its worst point a few weeks ago.
So I keep praying, as I’m sure you do, too. I pray for the Covid numbers to decrease so that our lives can return to normal; and I pray for all those affected in every way by this pandemic, especially the staff and patients at Riverside and all of our local medical facilities.
Blessings. – Anne