A Few Thoughts on Stewardship

I have been a parishioner at St. Andrew’s for two and a half years, but I have been an occasional visitor for at least 25. I used to visit when I came to Virginia in the summers to see my family.  St. Andrew’s has become like a family to me, as well. When I was new, I could not get over how everyone talks to each other and knows each other. I had never had that in any church before.  People checked on me all the time even before the coronavirus. People care about me and look out for me. When it became too hard for me to come up to the altar for Communion, Bill and the other servers came to me for “drive-by service” at my pew. Once, I accidentally dropped the host in the wine, so they started helping me out by intincting it for me. And now that everything is shut, I still get phone calls, letters, and even care packages from people at church. I am especially happy that now we can receive Communion and that parishioners go out of their way to bring it to me. I feel special, and remembered, and loved.

I miss being with you at church, and especially the music. We are so lucky to have Brad and such talented musicians. We are also lucky to have Anne and Marc and the vestry who genuinely care for us.  I love our community and am grateful for our church family. Thank you for who you are in my life! 

Marge Rand