The St. Andrew’s Easter Project – Please submit your video by Wednesday, April 8!

Background This Easter, we will hear the story of Jesus’ resurrection as told in John’s gospel.  Easter is the high holy day of Christianity, the day that gives everything else and all of our lives meaning.  Most years we Read more
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Focus on “Worship” – St. Andrew’s new mission statement, “Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship, Outreach, and Fellowship”

The irony is not lost on me that this reflection focuses on worship at precisely the moment in which we are unable to participate in worship as we’ve (almost) always engaged in it before.  While I briefly considered waiting Read more
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The Easter Project

No public worship until after Easter

In a recent letter to our diocese, Bishop Haynes wrote:  In light of Bishop Curry’s advice, the advice of health professionals monitoring the pandemic and the directions of government officials, public gatherings for Read more
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A Very Present Help

Years ago, my mother called with the upsetting news that my brother was believed to be having a heart attack. His family was asking for prayers. The words of two psalms immediately came to mind:
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Message from our Senior Warden and Stewardship Chair

Dear Friends, We hope and pray that this letter finds all of our St. Andrew’s family safe and healthy. We are certainly in challenging times right now, but – with God’s supreme love and guidance – we will get through Read more
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An update from Anne

Dear friends, Blessings to you.  So much has changed so suddenly for all of us in this past week, and we are all struggling to come to grips with this “new normal” even as each day brings new challenges.  Read more
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Sunday worship online for March 15

Dear friends, Blessings to you on this third Sunday of Lent.   In this time of “social distancing”, I encourage you to take on a practice of spiritual embracing. No matter how physically distant we are from other human beings, Read more
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Important follow-up message from Anne – what you need to know right now

Dear friends, I hope and pray that this finds each of you well. I am praying especially for God’s peace and guidance for each of us as we do our best to adapt to the new and changing situation in Read more
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Message from Bishop Susan and our rector, Anne – suspension of church activities to prevent spread of coronavirus

Do not be afraid, for I am with you;     do not be alarmed, for I am your God. I give you strength, truly I help you,     truly I hold you firm with my saving right hand.”  (Isaiah 41:10, NJB) Read more
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“St. Andrew’s: Building God’s Kingdom . . .”

In the Epistle to the Ephesians (2:19-22), we read, “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Read more
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