Why are other groups using our building while we have not yet regathered for worship?

Several folks have raised this question, and it’s a good one.  Here’s what’s going on:  As you know, the decision about when to regather for worship is to be made by the vestry, with the final say coming from Read more

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An Inquiring Heart

 Dear friends,

The other day I attended a webinar entitled Holy Chaos:  Creating Connections in Divisive Times.  The webinar presenter, a minister named Amanda Henderson, had written a book and was sharing some of her main ideas.   I signed Read more

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Day School Space Being Used

Even under the circumstances, a lot has been happening regarding use of space in the Outreach Center:


Because the risk of Covid-19 remains so high, the Hilton playgroup who met in the basement will not be gathering again Read more

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Holy Eucharist on September 6

Dear friends,

During these months of pandemic, I have so missed being able to celebrate Holy Eucharist together and share in our central meal, and I know that many of you have been feeling the same way.  After much Read more

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Take up your what?

From Hymn 675:Take up your cross, the Savior said, if you would my disciple be;Take up your cross with willing heart, and humbly follow after me.

It would be nearly impossible for us to hear these words as Read more

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An Immigrant Story from Bob Killebrew

Introductory note from Anne:

Dear friends,

Our fellow parishioner Bob Killebrew, who with his wife Pixie came to us from St. Paul’s, Newport News, asked me several months ago if St. Andrew’s has any kind of outreach ministry with Read more

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The Art of Smiling with Our Eyes

Have you been practicing the art of smiling with your eyes?  So much of the way we communicate with each other falls into the category of “non-verbal” communication – our facial expressions, hugs and handshakes, body language. A lot of Read more

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Common Miracles

In case you didn’t get to see the video fromMonday, August 3

We all know the biblical stories of miraculous events, everything from Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana where he turned water into wine to Read more

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A Follow-up to Our July Shoes for THRIVE Outreach Program

Textiles, including shoes and clothing, represent over 16 tons of content in our landfills each year.  By supporting THRIVE Peninsula with the shoes we collected, we have participated in the Funds2Orgs Group where the shoes collected are shipped to Read more

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New practices that nurture

Dear friends,

A number of weeks ago, St. Andrew’s own Courtney Robinson Hastings posted on social media about a new practice she and her husband Todd have been following:  getting up very early in the morning in order to Read more
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