Message from a member of the Response to Racism Team

Our team has had two meetings together so far and I am inviting you to join us in our quest to examine our own experiences and perceptions about racism. We are finding our way to our response to this long-term Read more

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Another Word from your Vestry about Regathering: The What Still Matters More than the When

At our 21 July “Virtual Vestry Meeting,” we continued our discussion about the how, what, and when of regathering in our building.  Thanks to so many of you who responded to our parish-wide survey, we now have a much Read more
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Promises to Internalize

From Romans 8:

…we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God…

For Read more
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Response to Racism Team

Dear St. Andrew’s family,  I know not everyone sees the videos Anne, others, and I are doing, so I’d like to make you aware of a new group forming at St. Andrew’s that I mentioned in a recent video.  Read more
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Summer is here

Summer is here—but such a different summer from all the ones that have come before, as we continue to navigate our way through this pandemic!  We tend to think of summer as time for slowing down a bit from Read more
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A Word from your Vestry about Regathering: When the What Matters More than the When

At our 16 June “Virtual Vestry Meeting,” we spent most of our time discussing the how, what, and when of regathering in our building on 45 Main Street.  Echoing the words of a well-worn adage, our rector, Anne, began Read more
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Answering God’s Call

We just celebrated on May 31 the Day of Pentecost (meaning “fiftieth day”) in which the Spirit lighted upon the disciples like tongues of fire and they all spoke in different languages so that each understood the power of Read more
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Back to Basics – Feeding the Hungry

(reminders of the 25thchapter of Matthew’s gospel)

You might remember reading a recent “call to action” from vestry member and Building Implementation Team (BIT) leader, Dawn Edquist. Less than one month since that call, and many thanks to the Read more
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When will we be able to worship together in the sanctuary?

Dear friends,

Thanks to the hard work of our Bishop Susan Haynes and the diocesan Re-Gathering Panel, we have received the guidelines that each parish in our diocese must follow in order to regather for worship in our buildings. The Read more
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