Update from Anne

Dear Friends,

I hope and pray that this finds you and your loved ones safe and well in the midst of this difficult time.  I miss you, and I miss having the opportunity to visit you in your homes.  Read more
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How to Celebrate Pentecost

Dear friends,

Pentecost, which this year falls on Sunday, May 31, is a major feast in the Christian year.  On Pentecost we celebrate God’s gift of the promised Holy Spirit.  We hear the passage from Acts 2 that tells Read more
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Sharing Thoughts on Our Vital Phone Call Ministry

I am one of the callers for the “phone call ministry,” staying in touch with other parishioners during this time when we are all struggling to cope with various issues but we can’t be together to worship God and Read more
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When will we regather in person for worship?

Dear Friends, I know this question is on many people’s minds.  The short answer is:  We don’t know.  Our bishop has called together a team of experts (clergy, parish musicians, doctors (including an epidemiologist), and mental health professionals) to Read more
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Books That Change Us

I’m sure I’m not alone in this experience: every once in a while, my eyes fall on the very reading material I’m ready for. Sometimes we’re jolted awake by a real aha! moment.

My latest find is Falling Upward Read more
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Caring for one another – We are in this together

Dear friends, As a Church, we continue our primary business:  the worship of God.  Every day we offer a prayer video, with a live worship service on Sundays.  Even if you are not able to join us online, please Read more
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Easter happened!

This coronavirus situation is carrying on longer than any of us initially thought.  No one expected it to last until Easter and now I’m wondering if we will even see Pentecost outside of a Zoom service.  But I think Read more
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From the “Ivory Tower”

I would be willing to guess that many of you do not know where my office is at St. Andrew’s or that from this office I can see, via camera, what’s happening on Main Street.  I know who drives Read more
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Holy Week and Easter online worship

Dear friends, The holiest days of our Church year are upon us, and this year we will walk through them in new and different ways because of the pandemic.  This is a brief description of what you can expect Read more
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Following the spiritual roller coaster that is Palm Sunday (shouts of “hosanna!” as Jesus makes his “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem followed by a Passion narrative from one of the synoptic gospels), toward the end of the week we enter Read more
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