
Eighteen years ago I was sitting in church (Hilton Baptist) one Sunday morning when Al leaned over and pointed out an announcement in the bulletin: St. Andrew’s Job Opening – Administrative Assistant. It may sound like an exaggeration but it isn’t – I immediately felt a strong tug on my heart. The next day I stopped by St. Andrew’s and picked up an application. As I sat in my car outside of the church and read the job description, I KNEW this would be the place for me and I prayed then and there that it would be possible.

When I had my job interview, I became more and more hopeful. I remember telling the interview team (Rob Marston, Corky Brooks, Bobo Smith and Mary Wood) that I wasn’t going to apply for any other jobs because I really wanted THIS job. When Rob called a few days later with the good news I was elated! Overjoyed!

As a military family, we have been a part of a lot of different churches, all of them wonderful, but I want you to really know, and take to heart, that St. Andrew’s truly is a very special, different sort of place. You took me into your hearts and you become a part of my heart. Bill, Brad, Bill B, Matthew, Kurt, Marc and Anne are my family; and also, those who came before: Dick, Howard, Kathy, Kathleen, Harper, Cary, Vernon, Rhonda, Lorna, Travis, Betty, Jen, and David. How fortunate I have been to have worked alongside such caring and giving people!  Through life’s ups and downs, they, and all of you, have been there for me – rejoicing with Al and me during the good times – our children’s weddings, the birth of 3 grandchildren (2 of which happened on Sunday morning during the service!), and the trying times – my brother’s untimely death, my mother’s battle with cancer, the death of both of my parents, and my little dog Jimi – and you have all buoyed me up on your caring wings.

Being a part of this community has changed my life in so many ways. As Al and I embark on a new chapter of our lives, please know that I am so grateful to have had this time serving you. I hope I have helped you along the way, that I have been there when you needed a friend, and that when you think of me it will be with fondness. For these are the gifts that you have given me – support, friendship, and love. You have blessed me beyond measure!



PS: We’ll still see you in church (when we’re not traveling!)