Easter happened!

This coronavirus situation is carrying on longer than any of us initially thought.  No one expected it to last until Easter and now I’m wondering if we will even see Pentecost outside of a Zoom service.  But I think Eastertide is a particularly good time to reflect on the impact of our current circumstances and our responses.  The whole point of a season of resurrection is to remind us that death has done the absolute worst it can do and it still is not enough to overcome the power of God’s love.  As our Presiding Bishop observed, Easter happened whether Mary and the others saw the empty tomb or not.  Easter happened despite Pilate’s and the religious authorities’ best efforts to the contrary.  Easter not only happened, but the new life it promises continues to happen right now.  I mentioned in a previous video that I don’t think there will be a return to a pre-coronavirus normal, and maybe there is a lot about that that we should gladly embrace, but that we will establish a new normal is as certain as the love of God itself.  I am certain about that, not only because of faith in God, but because of faith in the people of St. Andrew’s.  Every single day, the responses of the people of this church – with your prayers and participation in worship, your efforts of staying in communication, your creative ways of continuing ministry, your pastoral heart – all reveal the power of God’s love stronger than the power of death and the best efforts of a pandemic to diminish God’s light in this world. Alleluia, Easter happened!  Easter is happening indeed, alleluia!