How Are You Doing?

I wonder how everyone is doing – I mean how are you reallydoing?  We’ve had several months of trying to figure out how to live and function in circumstances we haven’t, in our lifetimes, had to deal with on a national and global level before and it seems we are settling into whatever we call a new normal at this point, even if just a bit.  From simple life chores like going to the grocery to travel to Communion, I think by-and-large most folks are doing the best they can, but aside from the devastating impact on peoples’ livelihoods, physical health, and the number of deaths, together with the widely recognized overly-stressed culture that we already lived in pre-COVID, the collateral damage on mental health is taking such a toll that even the World Health Organization has recommended not initiating a societal-wide lockdown to contain the virus, even as record daily cases continue to be reported. 

I don’t have an answer beyond suggesting that we continue to be diligent in following protocols, reminding us that there are resources for those struggling with whatever is troubling, and that the community of faith that is St. Andrew’s stands ready to continue to respond in love, as we have been.

