Message from our Senior Warden and Stewardship Chair

Dear Friends,

We hope and pray that this letter finds all of our St. Andrew’s family safe and healthy. We are certainly in challenging times right now, but – with God’s supreme love and guidance – we will get through this!

We are very fortunate to have Anne and Marc offering daily prayers and worship through online communications. On Sunday, we are able to worship with them by signing in to their message through our website or Facebook. Please also be reminded that as the business of St. Andrew’s continues, it is important to make every effort, if we are able, to continue contributions through our pledge and/or non-pledge commitments. Our gifts, both large and small, are critical to our financial stability. There are many ways to do this…checks may be mailed to the church, utilizing the “Bill Pay” systems at our banks; and Rachel Roby is working on ways to facilitate contributions using credit cards…more on this to follow.

In any case, please keep the well being of our Parish in your prayers. As we continue to live through these difficult times, please know that you are in our prayers. Stay safe, stay healthy, and let us all try to stay in touch with each other by phone, text, email, or social media.  

Should you need our help please feel free to contact us.

Blessings to all,

Chris Robinson, Senior Warden
Doug Burgoyne, Stewardship Chair