Next steps for St. Andrew’s Multiuse Outreach Facility

Dear friends,
As you know from my recent letter, we plan to convert our former school space into a multiuse outreach facility to serve the local community. To do so, we need to create a Building Implementation Team. See below for information about that team. If you are interested in serving on the team – and I hope many of you will be! – please let Rachel Roby know. Even if you are not interested in serving on the team, please keep this exciting new mission in your prayers.
Many thanks,
What is the job of the Building Implementation Team?
The role of the Building Implementation Team (BIT) is to move from vision to reality, from the concept of a multipurpose outreach facility to the actual functioning of that facility.  Informed by the “possible next steps” section of the Discernment Team’s report and by their own expertise and skills, the BIT will:

  • Prepare the building space for use (developing a process and guidelines for determining which resources to keep and which to share/discard/sell; and then carrying out/overseeing that process)
  • Lay the “infrastructure” for community use of the space (creating guidelines, policies, forms, protocols to be followed)
  • Craft a job description for a new, part-time hire to serve as visionary leader and coordinator of the multipurpose outreach facility space usage.

What kinds of characteristics and skills are needed for the Building Implementation Team?
For this team to be successful, a wide variety of characteristics are needed:  passion for outreach; knowledge of buildings; connections within the local community; vision for how this new ministry will enrich the local community and St. Andrew’s.  Skills needed include:  the ability to attend to detail, to communicate clearly, to set and meet deadlines, willingness to ask and answer hard questions.  No one person is going to have all of these characteristics and skills, and the task at hand is far too big for just one person.  That’s why a team is needed. 
How can I learn more about the Building Implementation Team?
Come to the adult forum at 9:15 on Sunday, September 15 to hear members of the Building Discernment Team and Anne talk about next steps.
What is Anne’s role on this team?
Anne will be a participant but not the leader of the team.
I would love to serve on this team!  What should I do?

Email Rachel Roby at by Sunday, September 22.