Parish Life update

Bob Wharton and I are the vestry liaisons for Parish Life here at St. Andrew’s.  Parish Life includes many sub-committees and probably affects just about every church member.  Since this is our 100th year anniversary, there has been a lot going on…and there have been a large number of volunteers who have put in many hours to help make the anniversary celebrations as well as Parish Life in general a success!  Our sub-committees include:  fellowship/social activities, book groups, parish meals, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, the summertime lemonade and cookies volunteers, the outdoor service, Fishermen, hospitality, and the Easter Egg Hunt. If you would like to become more involved in Parish Life at St. Andrew’s and make new friends, these groups are always looking for new members so please volunteer!  Thank you to all who continue to make these groups so successful.      
Betsy Jones