Thank you from the Kairos Team

As one 20-year-old at my Kairos table was wolfing down one of the 1,531 dozen cookies, he asked where they came from.  “People made them for the participants of this Kairos weekend.”  The look on his face when it began to dawn on him what people he had never met had done. The placemats that the EYC and St. Andrew’s School students made had a similar effect on the Nottoway Correctional Center residents. I heard more than one person say, “Children did this for us?” 

We never know the full impact we have on others.  The 30 participants of the Kairos weekend received a measure of love they will never forget.  That love extended to the inmates who didn’t attend the weekend – each received a bag of 8 cookies. 
St. Andrew’s contributed their fair share – thank you to all who baked.  The EYC made 20 dozen.  The choir made about 50 dozen.  Special thanks to Jamey Bacon – the total from her kitchen was about 500 cookies! 
Brad Norris (with Matt Deller and Joe DuRant)