The Great Litany

On the first Sunday of Lent, March 1 this year, we usually will pray The Great Litany during the opening procession at both services.  However, because the One City Marathon is on March 1, we will pray The Great Litany on March 8.
The Great Litany is an ancient form of intercessory prayer, first used in the 5th century.  Because of its penitential nature, it is especially appropriate in Lent.  The Litany begins by calling upon the Triune God to have mercy on us; continues with petitions for protection from evil and disaster; invokes Christ’s saving work; and includes many general intercessions, including the plea for God to forgive our enemies, persecutors, and slanderers.  You can find the Great Litany on pages 148 to 153 of The Book of Common Prayer.  I encourage you to spend some time with it prior to Sunday.
The Great Litany is not a prayer for the faint of heart, but it is a fabulous prayer for those who truly want to turn their hearts again to God.  May that be our aim in this holy season.
