Update from Anne

Dear Friends,

I hope and pray that this finds you and your loved ones safe and well in the midst of this difficult time.  I miss you, and I miss having the opportunity to visit you in your homes.  I am so grateful to the parishioners who are carrying out our phone ministry, and I hope that hearing from them has been a source of blessing and comfort to you.  Even when we are not able to gather in person, we are still the Church.  Each of you is still a beloved, precious child of God.  I am holding you in my prayers.

We do not yet know when the church building will be able to reopen.  I anticipate that it will not be for a number of weeks.  We are awaiting a set of specific guidelines from our diocese about how best to keep our parishioners safe.  That is my top priority:  your safety.  Once the diocesan guidelines come out, our Health and Safety Officer Joel Duregger will lead the staff and vestry in implementing those guidelines at St. Andrew’s; and then we will prayerfully and carefully decide when to reopen the building. 

Every blessing to each of you, on this Trinity Sunday and always.   
